House of Raeford Farms fined for Clean Water Act violations

House of Raeford Farms has been ordered by a federal judge to pay a $150,000 fine for sending untreated wastewater containing blood and turkey parts into a city treatment plant.

House of Raeford Farms has been ordered by a federal judge to pay a $150,000 fine for sending untreated wastewater containing blood and turkey parts into a city treatment plant.

In addition, the judge sentenced the North Carolina poultry processor to two years' probation and ordered the company to pay a special assessment of $4,000 for 10 counts of knowingly violating the Clean Water Act, according to an Associated Press report.

The U.S. Justice Department said that the company allowed employees to send untreated wastewater contaminated with blood, grease and body parts from slaughtered turkeys directly to the city of Raeford's wastewater treatment plant without telling city officials. The company has said the government admitted during a previous trial that none of the materials it said went into the town's sewer system reached the environment.

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