Sanovo Technology Group Vax Vaxxinator 1000 hatchery technology educational videos


Sanovo Technology Group Vax published a series of educational videos designed to help hatcheries understand how more-advanced and bio-secure technologies can directly contribute to the productivity of their broiler operations. The video series addresses some key challenges faced by poultry producers and showcases the company’s Vaxxinator 1000 in ovo vaccination technology for hatcheries. The first video in the series shows a demonstration of the Vaxxinator 1000 in use and highlights features that the company says provide ideal vaccine delivery, zero egg handling stress and reduced risk of contamination. Some of these features include a vacuum-powered suction cup method for egg transfer and a single-needle injection system. The second video takes a closer look at the critical role that the safe and accurate distribution of vaccines plays in maintaining flock health and protecting broilers from both visible and invisible dangers that can lead to the rapid spread of disease. The video series is available on the company's website and on YouTube at