How can we future-proof against poultry industry challenges?

The Poultry Tech Summit wants to know what your most significant challenges are, and these will be addressed in a webinar series.

Okeefe T Headshot
Broilers Farm Production
Bukhanovskyy I

The 2024 Poultry Tech Summit webinar series will bring together technology experts to discuss the challenges poultry producers have identified as their most significant. We need your help to identify the challenges that will be addressed in this webinar series.

The Poultry Tech Summit brings together inventors, researchers, entrepreneurs, poultry industry professionals and established technology providers to discuss challenges and solutions for all aspects of the poultry supply chain. The Summit will return as an in-person event in November of 2025. In 2024, the Poultry Tech Summit webinar series will address the challenges that you, and your fellow poultry producers, identify for us as your most significant.

What’s your operation’s biggest poultry health challenge? Are labor availability and worker retention your biggest challenges? Are you most concerned about food safety and new Salmonella regulations? Are activists group activities, broiler welfare measurements, or conversion to cage-free layer housing keeping you up at night? Are you wondering if your biosecurity programs are ready to keep HPAI out of your farms?

Let us know your most pressing challenges so we can bring together a group of experts to discuss these challenges and bring you updates on technologies that can help to solve these challenges.

Your responses to this four-question survey will let us know what the most pressing challenges are for the broiler, turkey, table egg layer and duck industries.

Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey.

We will use the survey results to put together a series of three webinars focused on the challenges that have been identified by poultry producers as their most pressing and significant.

Thanks for your input and we will be announcing webinar topics and dates in the coming weeks.

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